Food From the Heart

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We Love our Vegan Meals! / Amamos nuestros platicos veganos!

And no, we are not vegans, but we love our vegan meals. As I mentioned in my Book , I went from being vegan to vegetarian to pescetarian, to finally just finding what was right for me! We eat a little bit of almost everything but always the best quality possible. And still more than 50% of our meals are completely plant based!

You have to find that balance that works for you! And trust me that everyone will benefit from plant based meals with no exception. One of my best tips (and so basic that it's almost a no brainer) for being healthy is to ALWAYS include veggies in all our meals!! (thats the trick ;) )

And since you asked for it:


No! No somos veganos pero nos encantan nuestros platos vega! Como menciono en mi libro, yo he pasado de vagan o vegetariana a vegetariana + pescado... mil cosas hasta que encontré que era lo que en verdad era bueno para mi cuerpo. En nuestra casa comemos un poco de casi todo pero la mejor calidad posible de cada cosa. Sin embargo mas del 50% de nuestras comidas con completamente basadas en plantas!

Nosotros tenemos que encontrar ese balance perfecto para nuestro cuerpo pero obviamente que todo el mundo sin excepción se beneficiara de comida basada en vegetales y plantas! Uno de mis tips para ser saludable (super basico que hasta suena bobo) es incluir vegetales en todos nuestras comidas! (Ahi esta el truco!)

Y como me pidieron aquí va la receta de nuestro almuerzo veloz de ayer:


Red lentil & Brown rice Recipe:


-2 cups red lentils

-1 cup of jasmine brown rice

-4 cups of liquid (I used a 3 ingredient organic mushrooms stock) any stock or just water

-1/2 medium onion, diced

-1 garlic clove, minced

-2 tsp pink salt

-1 bay leave

-1 cup coconut milk



Add all ingredients but the coconut milk into a pot at medium heat and cook for 25-30 minutes. Check if rice is tender and add the coconut milk before serving! That easy!!!!! I put everything to cook and go take a shower, then my lunch is ready to serve! Ta-da super mommy in action :)

Serve with some kale and avocado!


Pon a cocinar en fuego lento los siguiente: 2 tazas de lentejas rojas, 1 taza de arroz jasmin integral, 4 tazas de liquido (yo utltize un caldo de champiñones super limpio en ingredientes pero puedes utilizar cualquier caldo o agua! + 1/2 cebolla blanca en cubitos, 1 diente de ajo picado, 1 cucharadita de sal rosada y una hoja de laurel. Cocina por 25-30 min. Luego agrega 1 taza de leche de coco antes de servir. Asi de facil! Sirvelo con un poco de aguacate y kale y listo!


Sauerkraut Recipe:

I love sauerkraut and I always have a couple of jars of this goodness in my fridge!  (lost of probiotics!!!!) I'm going to post a video on how to make this but if you can't wait here's the recipe!

Shreed a medium cabbage then add 1 tsp of pink salt and massage vigorously (breaking down the leave cellulose) until liquid is being formed. Around 5 minutes. Save in a jar and leave at room temperature up to 10 days. Then save in the fridge and enjoy!! More tips for this recipe next week the latest!!!


Amo el sauerkraut es repollo fermentado lleno de probioticos super buenos para la salud! Siempre tengo muchisimo en mi nevera! Voy a postiar un videito de esto ya casi pero si no aguantas aqui esta la receta!

Pica un repollo mediano y agregar una cucharadita de sal rosada y masajea vigurosamente (rompiendo la celulosa de las hojas) por aproximadamente 5 minutos hasta que se forme agüita. Pasa a un frasco y déjalo a temperautra ambiente por hasta 10 dias. Luego guardas en la nevera y esta listo para disfrutar! Muchos mas tips de esa receta proximamente!


Also don't forget to watch my latest video below!!! Please subscribe to my youtube channel so you don't miss anything!

Hope you give it a try! It's all done from the heart!!!

