Mingling with Food from the Heart
Guaguita from the Heart was everyones favorite!
Hi!!! here are some more details about my book launch!! (yes, sorry I haven't been able to get over with it!! We had some much fun!!). We did everything ourselves! From garlands made from samples of the book pages, chalk boards, flower arrangements to frames with book quotes and goodie baskets to take home!! And of course our signature Banana Bread bites (entirely baked by #cheflaurencita + baby J). I think this made the event even more special, there was a lot of love in every detail just like in my book! My heart was so happy for all the support and love received by everyone who attended (and also from those who couldn't make it!). Thank you for believing in me and for supporting this crazy idea that started 2 years ago as a vague project. Today I can say I'm Lauren Arboleda a proud mom, wife, home cook, mompreneur, self publisher, author, and real food Lover! (OMG what a mouthful!! YAY!!).
Pics by my awesome friend Devloz
Part of my awesome team: Photographer Valerie Lopez (Devlopz) + Printing Logistics Daniela Sandoval + Missing my beloved Designer & Illustrator Natalia Swarz
My family supporting my project like always! I could't have done it without them!!! (missing my little brother who couldn't make it!)
My love, balance and better half! He is the real secret behind Food from the Heart (we are all a team! Enzo, vera (my doggies), baby J, hubs and I!!! we all are FFTH!)
My daddy's face here makes all my hard work, tears and late nights so worth it! (he was tearing up during my speech!)
Hope you liked it!! Just going through the pics makes me so happy! Especially that last picture of my daddy tearing up, he is my role model and hero...love him so much!!! He taught me to be passionate about everything I did....he taught me to do everything from the heart!