S.O.S Hospital Food
Last Sunday after having an awesome Mother's Day, my hubs started to feel some cramps. Soon he realized it was kidney stones (he knew that pain from some years ago when he had them). Long story short, he was in and out of the ER three times in less than 24 hrs., and he had to spend a couple of nights at the hospital so they can perform a procedure on his rebel stones that refused to come down. While I was there, I once again noticed that hospital food sucks.
So yes, of course I cooked every meal for him and spent my days going back and forth from home to the hospital. But I couldn't help but think…what about everyone else there that had no other option but to eat that hospital food?
The issue here and also what concerns me is that not only does the food taste horrible and has an equally terrible appearance, but the food products they offer uses the shittiest ingredients!!!
It really makes me think about this sad vicious cycle happening in our hospitals: people get sick, go to the hospital to feel better, yet it seems like they are making people sicker with the foods they offer and nothing is solved. All that happens is you’re prescribed whatever medicine and given poor nutritional options and a bad example (people will think that what is given is an example of what "healthy" means, so they will go for the same in their homes!). How can you make people feel better by offering hydrogenated oils, sugar, sugar, and more sugar in all its forms, high fructose corn syrup, GMO's, artificial flavors among others things that cause harm to our bodies?
So my call here is not to blame the hospitals, because honestly the ones who make the decisions tend to always go for the cheapest options at the cost of quality (everyone always does!). My call here is for all of us! We need to be the ones spreading the word, letting everyone know about this situation. I know if people were more informed they would choose better for themselves! So this is my grain of sand towards making sure food becomes our first option as our medicine/remedy. (Hint Hint: our jobs as health coaches is key here). If we stop purchasing these products, the food industry will change (something proven by the awesome Food Babe!!). If we all start complaining about the quality of food in our hospitals, maybe they'll listen! We need to start somewhere!
I know medicine saves lives every single day and thank God for our advances in it, but sick people need more than just medicine to cure their symptoms. We need to be treating the root of the problem which is usually related to bad nutrition. Lets break that cycle!!! No more sick people getting sicker with poor hospital food choices and having to live out their lives going in and out of hospitals!
Check out some pics I got from the meals my husband was being given
Our very tired but grateful faces to be finally home!
Let's do it, lets start spreading the word!
We can do it!